Title: | Question: Ms Niamh | Time: 2023-02-02 |
Ask: striplife.ru Answer:Is waiting for administrators to answer |
Title: Problem with curtain switch | Question: Mr Artur | Time: 2023-01-22 |
Ask: Hi Custain switches are reseting after few days (blue button is flashing) its necessary to add them again to system. Any solution f it? Answer:Is waiting for administrators to answer |
Title: next | Question: Mr Harry van Burik | Time: 2023-01-06 |
Ask: The firmware of this products is buggy. The first 5 of the 16 config parameters are not recognised by the unit. Could I get a wking pd02z an OTA updatable new firmware. Answer:Is waiting for administrators to answer |
Title: pd02z | Question: Mr Harry van Burik | Time: 2023-01-06 |
Ask: Bought a nas-pd02z when I query the product I get 0x0200 0x1036. Answer:Is waiting for administrators to answer |